||||| Workshop SANS-SAXS : 27-28 novembre, Saclay |
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Workshop SANS-SAXS
"An introduction to small angle scattering", par Marianne Impéror Clerc (LPS, Orsay) | |
"How to make a good SAXS data treatment ? Yes we can !", par Olivier Taché (IRAMIS, Saclay) | |
"Small Angle X ray and Neutron Scattering for solvent extraction", par Sandrine Dourdain (CEA, Marcoule) | |
"Making amorphous solids with proteins, a scattering perspective", par Thomas Gibaud (ENS, Lyon) | |
"Inorganic colloids and their assembling: FRom collids to materials", par Diane Rebiscoul (CEA Marcoule) | |
"Sample environments in Small Angle (X Ray) Scattering", par Nikki Baccile (Sorbonne, Paris) | |
"A few aspects of BioSAXS (Solution X ray Scattering from Biological Macromolecules)", par Javier Pérez (SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette) | |
"BioSAXS beamline / FreeSAS software / PyFAI software", par Jérôme Kieffer (ESRF, Grenoble) | |
"Grazing-Incidence SAXS: Basic Principles and Applications", par David Babonneau (Poitiers) | |