Workshop CSD > 5 juillet 2023 (Rennes) > Présentation de la formation

  ||||| The Cambridge Structural Database is more than a database! : 5 juillet 2023 (Rennes)

The Cambridge Structural Database is more than a database!


The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), curated by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is a reference in crystallochemistry, and lies at the interface of chemistry and structural biology. In addition to a very comprehensive database of over one million organic and metal-organic crystal structures, the CCDC develops and curates the CSD Software, which harnesses the wealth of information in the database to help scientists gain new insights in their structures.

The Société Chimique de France, section Bretagne-Pays de Loire, proposes in close collaboration with the French network for professional crystallographers ЯÉCIPROCS and the CCDC a presentation and practical training of the tools available in the CSD.

A short lecture (1,5 hours) is proposed between 10h and 11h30 to give an overview of the possibilities of the CSD for everyone - student, post-doc or staff - working with small-molecule structures (ligands, complexes, polymeric). The afternoon session (13h30-17h) is a practical training for those with activated CSD licenses. If you do not know who is the CSD referent in your laboratory, please contact directly the trainer who will give you the name of your CSD referent. The CSD software needs to be installed and activated on your laptop before the start of the afternoon session.

Both morning and afternoon session will be held in English.

  Practical information:


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